BIM- Building Information Modeling

What is BIM?

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a process that starts with the creation of an intelligent 3D working model and enables coordination, document management and simulation during the projects entire lifesepan (plan, design, build, operation and maintenance). Using our 3D steel models we are able to help faciliate other trades and make the construction process as smooth as possible.

For Commercial

The BIM Process is very important in the commercial and retail industry. With so many trades requireing clearances, special finishes and other various items the BIM model helps immensly. Most erectors prefer to use a working BIM model on site now.

For Industrial

In the Industrial project world, the BIM model is very crucial in coordination. With mechanical and piping trades getting involved to ensure there is no clashes with structural members. We continually share our models with these trades to ensure smooth installation. Likewise these trades will share with us.

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